How to upload a macro, manage Store listing, back up macros
The first thing that you need to do is to sign up for a Developer Account.
Join our Discord to get access to the Developer Account Registration Form.
We need a reliable way for us and other users to contact you and we chose Discord for that, so having a Discord account is one of the requirement
You will also be required to upload one macro as part of the registration process. So read on
To upload a macro go to Store -> Upload -> +
You can only upload one macro at a time, macro must be reviewed and approved before you can upload another.
When you upload new or update old macro, your changes will be reviewed by the Reviewers and it will only be applied when approved. Until then you can make as many changes as you like but beware that your changes will be queued to the end of the Reviewers's list every time you submitted.
Fill out the information about your macro that will appear in your Store listing
Description for your macro. You should at least provide two things: "What does this macro do?" and "How to use this macro"
Use when you update your macro. This is where you keep your version's logs
You can apply style, heading, add images and links to the Description and Release Note of your macro by using markdown
Learn markdown here:
Frequently asked markdown:
![name](direct url)
. You can use this site to upload your image and get direct link
You can localize the Description and Release Note of your macro by using Language Tag. Example:
This is a macro description
<fr>Ceci est une description de macro</fr>
If the user device's language is set to French (fr) then whatever in the fr tag will be shown, others that does not match the language tag will see the default "untag" description
For the full list of language code:
Select an icon for your macro. Max size is 512x512
Select the macro file to upload.
Everytime a new file is uploaded, the Version Code is increased by 1. This Version Code is used to notify the user that there's a new update available.
If you only need to update the store listing information then you don't need to select a new file.
New in 1.4.0+. This option let you control how the users will see the macro. There 4 modes available:
New in 1.4.0+. This option let you control if the users are allowed to install the macro.
New in 1.4.0+. This option let you group multiple related macro together under one entry in the Store.
For example a macro might have a Free version, Beta version, Pro version, Tablet version, etc... It's not good to clutter the Store with all those versions but instead you should put them together and users can select which version to install.
The version that appear on the Store list is called the Parent Version while the versions under it are called Child Version.
Version Name here is a friendly name that let user tell your version apart (Free, Beta, Pro, etc..). Do not confuse this with version "number"
Alter Version is required if that version's Access mode is set to Pro.
Make sure your macro is release-ready by testing it against multiple devices.
The most common devices you should consider are:
You should also take performance into consideration. Macro should be able to run all night without being interrupted or killed by system.
Common technique to increase the performance is use Cache and reduce the workload (put a simple wait at the end of the loop when you don't need fast reaction).
Some common mistakes should be avoided when you're filling out your store listing:
Developers will gain access to backup feature. Access from 3-dot menu -> Tools -> Backup
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