A rectangle on the screen that define the search area
Region(x: number = 0, y: number = 0, w: number = 0, h: number = 0)
Construct a Region from its top left cordinate, width and height
Parameters | |
x | The x coordinate of the top left point |
y | The y coordinate of the top left point |
w | Width of the region |
h | Height of the region |
Region(region: Region)
Construct a Region from another Region
Parameters | |
region | another Region to copy value from |
: number = 1
: number = 2
: number = 4
: number = 8
static Region deviceReg(padLeftPercent: number = 0, padTopPercent: number = 0, padRightPercent: number = 0, padBottomPercent: number = 0)
Construct a region from the current device's dimensions. noScale
is set to true. Optional parameters to pad the region
Parameters | |
padLeftPercent | The left padding in percent |
padTopPercent | The top padding in percent |
padRightPercent | The right padding in percent |
padBottomPercent | The bottom padding in percent |
Return | |
Region | The region with dimensions (0, 0, device x, device y) |
static Region macroReg(padLeftPercent: number = 0, padTopPercent: number = 0, padRightPercent: number = 0, padBottomPercent: number = 0)
Construct a region from the macro's dimensions. noScale
is set to false. Optional parameters to pad the region
Parameters | |
padLeftPercent | The left padding in percent |
padTopPercent | The top padding in percent |
padRightPercent | The right padding in percent |
padBottomPercent | The bottom padding in percent |
Return | |
Region | The region with dimensions (0, 0, macro x, macro y) |
static Region scale(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, edges: number = 0)
Scale the region from macro dimension to current device dimension. noScale
is set to true. Use edges
parameter to specify which edges the region will stick to after scaling
Cutout of the macro device and current device is taken into account. Refer to setMacroCutouts, setDeviceCutouts
Parameters | |
x | The x coordinate of the top left point in macro dimension |
y | The y coordinate of the top left point in macro dimension |
w | Width of the region in macro dimension |
h | Height of the region in macro dimension |
edges |
Edge of the screen to scale the region to. Possible values are Region.LEFT, Region.TOP, Region.RIGHT, Region.BOTTOM. Can be combined for example Region.LEFT + Region.TOP
Return | |
Region | Scaled region in device dimension |
static void highlightOff()
Turn off highlight for all regions
number getX()
Get the x coordinate of the top left point
Return | |
number | The x coordinate of the top left point |
number getY()
Get the y coordinate of the top left point
Return | |
number | The y coordinate of the top left point |
number getW()
Get the region's width
Return | |
number | The region's width |
number getH()
Get the region's height
Return | |
number | The region's height |
Point getMiddlePoint()
Get the region's middle point
Return | |
Point | The region's middle Point |
Match getLastMatch()
Get the Match object of the last find operation
Return | |
Match | Match |
Match[] getLastMatches()
Get the Match objects of the last find operation
Return | |
Match[] | An array of Match |
Region setX(x: number)
Set the x coordinate of the top left point
Parameters | |
x | The x coordinate of the top left point |
Return | |
Region | This Region instance |
Region setY(y: number)
Set the x coordinate of the top left point
Parameters | |
y | The y coordinate of the top left point |
Return | |
Region | This Region instance |
Region setW(w: number)
Set the width of this region
Parameters | |
w | Width of the region |
Return | |
Region | This Region instance |
Region setH(h: number)
Set the width of this region
Parameters | |
h | Height of the region |
Return | |
Region | This Region instance |
Region noScale()
After calling this, the system will not attempt to scale the region and just use the coordinate as it is
Return | |
Region | This Region instance |
Region left(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region to the left by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region top(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region to the top by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region right(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region to the right by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region bottom(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region to the bottom by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region horizontal(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region from both left and right by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region vertical(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region from both top and bottom by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region middle(percent: number = 0.5)
Shrink the region from all 4 sides by percent
percent. Negative percent to extend
Paramters | |
percent | percent to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region pad(padLeftPercent: number, padTopPercent: number = 0, padRightPercent: number = 0, padBottomPercent: number = 0)
Pad the region. Shrink it with positive value, enlarge with negative
Parameters | |
padLeftPercent | The left padding in percent |
padTopPercent | The top padding in percent |
padRightPercent | The right padding in percent |
padBottomPercent | The bottom padding in percent |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region leftPixel(pixels: number)
Shrink the region to the left by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region topPixel(pixels: number)
Shrink the region to the top by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region rightPixel(pixels: number)
Shrink the region to the right by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region bottomPixel(pixels: number)
Shrink the region to the bottom by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region horizontalPixel(percent: number)
Shrink the region from both left and right by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region verticalPixel(percent: number)
Shrink the region from both top and bottom by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region middlePixel(percent: number)
Shrink the region from all 4 sides by pixels
pixels. Negative pixels to extend
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to shrink/extend |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region padPixel(padLeftPixel: number, padTopPixel: number = 0, padRightPixel: number = 0, padBottomPixel: number = 0)
Pad the region. Shrink it with positive value, enlarge with negative
Parameters | |
padLeftPixel | The left padding in pixel |
padTopPixel | The top padding in pixel |
padRightPixel | The right padding in pixel |
padBottomPixel | The bottom padding in pixel |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region offset(dx: number, dy: number = 0, w: number = null, h: number = null, noScale: bool = false)
Offset the region's coordinate by dx and dy. Optionally change the width and height with w and h. All values are automatically scaled depend on the type of this Region. You can set the 5th parameter to true to disable auto scaling.
Parameters | |
dx | Offset amount in x axis |
dy | Offset amount in y axis. Default: 0 |
w | New width. Default: null |
h | New height. Default: null |
noScale | true to disable auto scaling |
Return | |
Point | The new offset Point instance |
Region moveLeft(percent: number)
Move region to the left by percent
percent of the device's width.
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
percent | percent of device's width |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveUp(percent: number)
Move region up by percent
percent of the device's width.
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
percent | percent of device's width |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveRight(percent: number)
Move region to the right by percent
percent of the device's width.
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
percent | percent of device's width |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveDown(percent: number)
Move region down by percent
percent of the device's width.
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
percent | percent of device's width |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveLeftPixel(pixels: number)
Move region to the left by pixels
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to move |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveUpPixel(pixels: number)
Move region up by pixels
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to move |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveRightPixel(pixels: number)
Move region to the right by pixels
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to move |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Region moveDownPixel(pixels: number)
Move region down by pixels
Deprecated: Please use offset instead
Paramters | |
pixels | pixels to move |
Return | |
Region | A new Region instance |
Match find(image: string | Template, timeout: number | params: FParam)
Find the template image. Return the result with the highest match score
Paramters | |
imageName | Name of the template image |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
Match | Match object if found else null |
Match[] findMulti(imageName: string | Template, timeout: number | params: FParam)
Find the template image. Return all the result(s) with Match Score
higher than Min Score
Paramters | |
imageName | Name of the template image |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
Match[] | An array of Match object if found else null |
Match[] findAll(imageNames: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: FParam)
Find all the template images at the same time. Find operation will only stop when all templates is visible at a given moment or timeout
Paramters | |
imageNames | An array with all template names to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input imageNames if all found or null if at least one is not found. All Match object in the array is guaranteed to be non-null
Match[] findAny(imageNames: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: FParam)
Find all the template images at the same time. Find operation will stop as soon as one or more of the template is found
Paramters | |
imageNames | An array with all template names to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input imageNames if one or more template is found, null otherwise. Loop through the array to see which template is found. At least one Match object in the array is non-null
Match click(imageName: string | Template, timeout: number | params: FParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute find then click on the result if found
Paramters | |
imageName | Name of the template image |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match | Match object if found else null |
Match[] clickMulti(imageName: string | Template, timeout: number | params: FParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findMulti then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
imageName | Name of the template image |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] | An array of Match object if found else null |
Match[] clickAll(imageNames: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: FParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findAll then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
imageNames | An array with all template names to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input imageNames if all found or null if at least one is not found. All Match object in the array is guaranteed to be non-null
Match[] clickAny(imageNames: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: FParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findAny then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
imageNames | An array with all template names to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input imageNames if one or more template is found, null otherwise. Loop through the array to see which template is found. At least one Match object in the array is non-null
bool wait(imageName: string | Template, timeout: number | params: FParam)
Wait for the template image to disappear
Paramters | |
imageName | Name of the template image |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
bool | true if the template disappears within the timeout period, false otherwise. |
bool waitAll(imageNames: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: FParam)
Wait for all template images to disappear
Paramters | |
imageNames | An array with all template names to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | FParam |
Return | |
Match[] | true if all template disappear within the timeout period, false otherwise |
Match findText(text: string | Template, timeout: number | params: TParam)
Find the text. Return the result with the highest match score
Paramters | |
text | The text to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
Match | Match object if found else null |
Match[] findMultiText(text: string | Template, timeout: number | params: TParam)
Find the text. Return all the result(s) with Match Score
higher than Min Score
Paramters | |
text | The text to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
Match[] | An array of Match object if found else null |
Match[] findAllText(texts: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: TParam)
Find all the texts at the same time. Find operation will only stop when all texts is visible at a given moment or timeout
Paramters | |
texts | An array with all texts to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input texts if all found or null if at least one is not found. All Match object in the array is guaranteed to be non-null
Match[] findAnyText(texts: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: TParam)
Find all the texts at the same time. Find operation will stop as soon as one or more of the text is found
Paramters | |
texts | An array with all texts to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input texts if one or more text is found, null otherwise. Loop through the array to see which text is found. At least one Match object in the array is non-null
Match clickText(text: string | Template, timeout: number | params: TParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findText then click on the result if found
Paramters | |
text | The text to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match | Match object if found else null |
Match[] clickMultiText(text: string | Template, timeout: number | params: TParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findMultiText then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
text | The text to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] | An array of Match object if found else null |
Match[] clickAllText(texts: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: TParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findAllText then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
texts | An array with all texts to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input texts if all found or null if at least one is not found. All Match object in the array is guaranteed to be non-null
Match[] clickAnyText(texts: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: TParam, repeat: number | clickParams: CParam)
Execute findAnyText then click on the result(s) if found
Paramters | |
texts | An array with all texts to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
repeat | Number of time to repeat the click |
clickParams | CParam |
Return | |
Match[] |
An array of Match objects with the same length as the input texts if one or more text is found, null otherwise. Loop through the array to see which text is found. At least one Match object in the array is non-null
bool waitText(text: string | Template, timeout: number | params: TParam)
Wait for the text to disappear
Paramters | |
text | The text to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
bool | true if the text disappears within the timeout period, false otherwise. |
bool waitAllText(texts: string[] | Template[], timeout: number | params: TParam)
Wait for all texts to disappear
Paramters | |
texts | An array with all texts to find |
timeout | Timeout period in miliseconds |
params | TParam |
Return | |
Match[] | true if all texts disappear within the timeout period, false otherwise |
void highlight(color: string = "#e74c3c" | number | Color, width: number, opacity: number = 1)
Highlight this region with the given color
Note: In Android 12, touch can no longer passthrough a window unless the opacity of the window is less than 0.8
. If you want to highlight a region and touch through it you must set the opacity to below 0.8
You can use Sys.info("dev.sdk") to check for the Android version of the device
Paramters | |
color | any color code that this method support, number representation or Color object |
width | Width of the highlight in pixels |
opacity | Opacity of the region |
void highlightOff()
Turn off highlight
bool capture(imageName: string | Template)
Capture the current screen and crop to this region dimensions. The imageName
can then be used with any of the image detection method. Image data is saved in-memory, be careful not to use the same name as any other templates as this will override them
Paramters | |
imageName | The name to associate with the image data |
Return | |
bool |
true if the capture is successful, false otherwise
MatchText[] read(param: string | TParam)
Read the text in the region. You can use the returned results to process the information on the screen
Parameters | |
param | string for whitelist parameter or TParam |
Return | |
MatchText[] | An array of MatchText |
string readPlain(param: string | TParam)
Read the text in the region as plain text
Deprecated: Please use readAsString() instead
Parameters | |
param | string for whitelist parameter or TParam |
Return | |
string |
text in the region. null or defaultValue if fail
string readAsString(param: string | TParam, defaultValue: any)
Read the text in the region as plain text
Parameters | |
param | string for whitelist parameter or TParam |
defaultValue | Value to return when read fail |
Return | |
string |
text in the region. null or defaultValue if fail to read or there's no text to read. Empty string when text is read but removed by whitelist/blacklist
number readAsNumber(param: string | TParam, defaultValue: any)
Convenient method that call Num.parse() after readAsString()
Parameters | |
param | string for whitelist parameter or TParam |
defaultValue | Value to return when read fail |
Return | |
number |
number in the region. null or defaultValue if fail to read or text is not a number
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